Friday 31 August 2018

Silhouette Cityscape - Brisbane

LI: To learn how to draw a silhouette.

This week we did an activity on drawing a silhouette. We had to pick a cityscape that has an icon to show what city it is. I did the brisbane city. Mr wong said that I should've did an iconic city because they won't know what city it is but I could just do it because it would've been a waste of time. We had to find a sunset for the background.

Area and Perimeter

LI: use a formula to calculate the area of rectangles and squares
LI: investigate the relationship between the perimeter and area of rectangles
This week we had to pair up with someone and watch to videos about Area and Perimeter. We had to watch them and find out the meaing of each and every word we can as possible on the glossary. It had qeometric vocabulary from the videos. We had to do these in our partners. Then we had to do it ourselves. We had to solve both Area and Perimeter equations on a google draw and a paper worksheet. We had to measure the shapes on the paper.

Pedestrian Planning

This week for inquiry we were talking about pedestrian crossing , Traffic lights,Roundabouts. We needed to talk about who invented them and witch country had built them or who had first. We got into three goups and there was three vides for us to watch and find our answers from. Each of us had to pick witch video to talk about and to do the presentation. I was talking about Traffic Lights. I found all of the information and put together. We didn't only watch a video and find our inforamtion for there. We used websites to read more about b\ecause the words that was in the article wasn't part spoken in the video.

Persuasive Structure and Language features

This week for writing we were talking about how persuasive text. We were talking about the structure and language features. The structure is OREO which stands for Opinion, Reason and Explanations, and another opinion with more detail from your first opinion. The language features are Infinitive tense ( Simple Present ), Emotive words, and Cause and Effect. We read a piece of persuasive text that was about how children shouldn't have phones in school. We had to highlight the language features infinitive tense ( Simple Present ), Emotive words,  Cause and Effect. We had to highlight them a certain color. Then we had to copy and paste the persuasive text and put them in the correct places in the template.

Lac Long Quan

LI: To find out information about a certain topic. 
This week for reading I had to pick another story. I pick Lac Long Quan from Vietnam. I had to tell other people what the purpose was for Lac Long Quan. I had to do a summary about what I think it was about. Here is some information. 

This story is about the king of vietnam that was part dragon. He would let nothing harm vietnam. He battled all sorts of monsters. When anyone in vietnam needs help all they have to call is “Father!” then Lac Long Quan was on his way. Lac Long quan had found a beautiful mountain fairy that he had married. Her name was Au Co. They had 100 sons. They split their sons and took them to teach them their ways to save the world.
Lac Long Quan (AKA) Hùng Vương II was the king of Vietnam in 2793 BC. He is the dragon king. Lac Long Quan was afraid of nothing and no one. Lac Long Quan let’s nothing harm his beloved Vietnam.

Thursday 30 August 2018

Swimming | YMCA

This week for swimming we learnt about how to use a life jacket in the water. 

First we learnt how to do  the safe entry in water. So first you put one arm across yourself and hold you life jacket and get your other hand and hold your nose and cover your mouth with your hand. They do that so when you have a cold shock your heat in your torsoe doesn't spread everywhere in your body in the water and you hold your life jacket so you don't get stangled.

When you are cold and there is a bunch of you in the water you guys have to huddle up and put your arms underneath the person next to you under arm. You should also make a circle around people who are hurt in the water or cold. Other people who are cold go in the middle to stay warm. 

When you are in deep sea and there is other people around you you guys need to make a chain if you want to stick together. You have to hold the other person in front of you shoulder and the other person hold the chain has to move around to try find somehwere safer. 

When you are using a life jacket in the water then you should suggest to swim on your back then your front because it is easier and you could scull to safety. 

When you are in the water and you need to get to safety immediatrly you shout HELP! And raise your hand up straight don't wiggle it. HELP stands for Heat escape lessoning position.

You should always puta life jacket on before you go in deep water or when a boat or soemthing on water is sinking so you can float and not drown.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Kiwi Can

LI: To try solve a problem that is hard to solve.

This week for Kiwi Can we talked about problem solving. Our theme was resilience and our topic was problem solving. Mr Matt asked us some questions they were about if you get shy to say something you can't say or is wrong then someone with tease you and call you dumb and stupid. Almost all of us could relate ot that, even Mr Matt feel that way.

Then we had gotten into our enegiser. Our enigiser was called emergency. There was 8 hula hoops presenting as lily pads. We had gotten into 2 teams, Team 1 and Team 2. It was like hopscotch but the hula hoops had a curve. when you start you straight away try to jump in as many hula hoops as you can to get to the other side to get one point, but it isn't that easy. The other team does it too so when you guys are facing each other in the lilly pads ( hula hoops ) then you guys have to play rock paper scissors shoot, but the only way to continue is to win the rock paper scissor shoot challenge. If you loose then the other person next after you has to immediatly jump in the hula hoops as far as they can before the other person and if they are faicng eachother they play a challenge of rock paper scissors shoot. The winning team was Team 2!

Our activity was called Mat Dodge. Mr Matt will number us 1-4.  If Ms Matt says your number then everyone that is that number has to go in the middle and every one has to try hit them and the people surrounding them with the ball has to try hit them out. Then all the winners had to go in the middle. The ones winner was supported by the number 1. The number 2 winner was supported by the number 2. The number 3 winner was supported by the number 3 . The number 4 winner was supported by the number 4. The winner was Chris, he was in the number 2 group. 

Then after that we played a game of GKQ ( General Knowledge Questions ). We played Master GKQ. I started first then a lost to Oscar. The master of GKQ was Liletina but the person who won against almost every person but had gotten beaten by Juel was Chris. 

At the end we all said " Thank You Kiwi Can 1,2,3 1,2,3 K C SHOO!". Then Mr Matt did our scores it was all 5 which added up to 25. 

Thursday 23 August 2018


Today I commented on Kaitlyn's blogpost. She was talking about 10 bridges from around the world. I greeted her by saying Bula Vinaka then I made a connection and told her what I thought was good. Then after I asked her a question about her blogpost.

Typing Practise

LI: To learn how how to type fast. 

This week for Daily 6 we had to practise our typing to get faster than Mr Wong. I used this site to practise. I had to put all my fingers on the home row and my thumbs on the space bar. We had to not look at the keyboard. 

Tables Conga | D-6

LI: To learn my times tables.

This week for Daily 6  I played tables conga. I did my fives times tables. I have already did my 2 timestables, 7 timestables, and 9 timestables.You have all these numbers you have to collect in the multiplication you have in order.For example the numbers at the back of you that has yellow writing and is covered in red is the numbers you have collected.If any of the grey X's get you then you have got the virus and need to start again.

Procedural writing | How to make a triangular prism

LI: To create a procedural people of writing.

This week for writing we wrote a piece of procedural writing. We had to demonstrate how to make a triangular prism using Blu-Tack and toothpicks. We had to remember the structure for procedural writing and the language features. The structure is TEMPS, and the language features are third person, starting verb, and also infinitive tense. TEMPS stands for Title, End Result, Materials used, Pictures and steps. We use a planner to do this piece of writing.

Different Types of Foundation

LI: To find our different foundations and what it is.

This week for Inquiry we split up into 2 groups depending on what we want to learn about. My group wanted to learn about Urban structures. We first watched to videos in small groups of 3 or 2. We had to show examples of the different structures. They were Slab Grade, Pier Footing, Wall footing, Column footing and Cassen Footing. We learnt about each of these footings/foundations.

Swimming | Kiwi Sport

LI: To learn how to save someone who is drowning.

This week we were talking about how to save lives in water and how to stay alive in the water. When someone is drowning you do not go up to them. If someone drowns you should not go up to them because they are panicked and when you try to get them they will jump on you and try to get air and will make you drown, if they are drowning you it is not there fault, they are panicked. The right thing you should do is get something like a stick, or a rope to pull them out. Some people can touch the floor and they think that they can't. 

When you want to save someone in the pools get a noodle and pull them out but if you stand up then you would fall in the water. You need to lay on your front and pull them in. You could also use a rescue rope. When you throw it in you have to put your hand in the whole and stand on the rope so you cal pull the person in, you could also lie down on the rope and pull the person who is drowning in so it can be secure. 

There is another way to float in very deep. You have you make the stance of sitting in the water and make your legs widen out by doing big circles in the water, and with one hand you do it like how you scull with your arms but with one arm, then you put your other hand straight up and shout "HELP!!, HELP!!". If you get too tired then lie on your back and put your hand up for a short time, and call for help. 

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Kiwi Can | Problem Solving | Resilience

LI: To learn about problem solving and resilience.

This week for Kiwi Can we were talking about problem solving. First we went straight into our enigiser. Our enigiser was called human knot. Ms Lily had got us into groups of 5,6, or 7. We had to get into a circle and hold hands with someone across from us in the circle with our right hand then with our left hand with someone else. It was a knot. We had to try solve it by untangling our selves. After that we had our activity. Our activity was called Mat Dodge. Ms Lily numbered us 1-5. If Ms Lily says your number "my number was 4" then all the fours go in the middle and the people surrounding them with the bal has to try hit them out. The winner was akuhata. After that we had a quick game of GKQ. When we go to Kiwi Can we have to respect the leaders and listen to what they are saying by not playing with anything in your hand.

Mahishasura and Durga Story

LI: To find information about the topic.

This week for reading we had to get into partners and find a story we want to read. The story me and my partner picked was Mahishasura and Durga, a story from India. This story was about an evil demon that had the head of a buffalo. His name was Mahishasura. He wanted to rule the world with evil. He challenged his way through every single god beating them. The gods retired. The gods knew that Mahishasura could only die from a woman so they created a beautiful goddess named Durga that had 18 arms. She went to go challenge Mahishasura to stop his ways of evilness. As Durga was in war with Mahishasura she was holding one of the weapons the gods gave her. Mahishasura shape shift into different forms until he was forced to go back into his normal form with the buffalo head. Mahishasura threw mountains at Durga, she dodged his attack. Durga then jumped up onto Mahishasura and cut his head off. We had to write down questions and the characters personalities. In our DLO there had to be a sort of movement like audio or a video.

Understand The different angles

This week for math we have been learning about different angles.  We used a protractor to measure the angles on a piece of paper, We also had to be in groups of four people, In the group there had to be a magnificent multiplayer, a Crazy calculator crusher, a Super speedy sub tractor and a Math master. The magnificent multipliers had to teach the other people in the our group how to use it. First we were really confused But then when we asked Mr Ogilvie for help and then we started to get it. To measure and angle with a protractor we had to put the center of the protractor in the middle of the obtuse angle and the acute angle. We would have to look at the line that had the dot on it and write our answers. A protractor is half a circle and has up to 180 degrees to 10 degrees. We learnt about the opposite of a acute angle and a obtuse angle. The different is that a acute angle is from 0 degrees to 90 degrees and a obtuse is 90 degrees to 180 degrees.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Skytower Trip

This week for inquiry we had a trip to the Auckland Sky Tower. We had been looking at information about the sky tower. The information that has been given was very interesting. Our host Ken was showing us around.  First we went down to go watch some history videos about the sky tower. This had a lot of information about the sky tower and also auckland city itself. The auckland sky tower has Sky jumping, and Sky walking. The sky tower is the tallest building in the southern hemisphere. Also the sky tower was built for communication. Then we went upto level 51, you had a great view of auckland.The Skytower was built in 1997 and weighed 6 thousand elephants the height was 324m. In the elevator it takes 41s to get to the top levels. Ken gave us a piece of paper that had 20 places in auckland we could see from level 51 in the sky tower. We split up into 3 groups. 1 group with Ms Emma, and another group with Kiri ( Another Helper) and the last group with Mr Wong. We all had been given the piece of paper and a pencil. There was a big glass window for the view and when you got walk around you see glass floor that was 38mm thick. It was very scary because Ms Emma told up if we could lay on it and look down. I had the feeling I was about to fall down. After that we had took the stairs down to the refuge area. The refuge area is for when there is a earthquake and fire. Then we made our way down and thanked our host Ken then headed back on the bus to School.

Friday 17 August 2018


Today I commented on Charlize's Blog. She was talking about bridges from around the world. And some very interesting bridges in NZ.

Dancing Mat | D-6

LI: To learn how to type on a keyboard as fast as you can.

This week for daily 6 I had to learn how to type as fast as possible. I played a game called dancing mat. I am on level 1. I had to learn first to use the home row and then top row also the bottom row. I am up to the chicken.

Tables Conga | Multiplication

LI: To learn multiplication. 

This week I played a maths game called Tables conga. I did my 9's timetables. You have all these numbers you have to collect in the multiplication you have in order.For example the numbers at the back of you that has yellow writing and is covered in red is the numbers you have collected.If any of the grey X's get you then you have got the virus and need to start again.

Procedural Writing

LI: to identify the structure and language features of a procedural text.

This week for writing we had to make a DLO talking about procedural writing and what it is. In this DLO I had to do the Language features of a Procedural piece of writing, and also the the structure, also the purpose and what procedural writing is.

Bridges from around the world | Google Maps

LI: To locate 10 bridges from around the world.
This week for inquiry we had to use google maps to locate 10 international and national bridges from new zealand. We had to work individualy. We had to use the bridges we did in this vs that. We had got a tutorial from our teachers on how to use it. We had to type down all the information from that bridge we had do the year built, Length, Cost, and materials used to build the bridge. 

Thursday 16 August 2018

Swimming | Kiwi Sport

LI: To learn how to scull in moving water.          

This week the yr 5 students had there 4th session of swimming. James, Cameron and Kelly has been talking to us about ocean and river swimming safety. There are signals for where you are allowed to swim in the ocean. They are Red and Yellow flags. They are there so you know what length of swimming you can swim up to. There is also something that is Red and yellow. That is the lifeguards. If you have been told off by a lifeguard that is because they are concerned about your safety. Lifeguards are there to save lives in pools or beaches. 

Next James was talking about rips. A rip is a patch of smooth water. they look like a safe place to swim in but they really aren't. If you swim in a rip in the beach it will pull you out to the ocean and you could drown. You shouldn't try to fight it because you are going to drown more and more and could possibly die. The good thing about the rip is the current. If you get caught if in one it make you move faster. When you move with the rip you have to swim diagonally to get to the edge and it will make it easier to get up and out. When you are in a river and you get caught in a rip you should flow with the current but you should also swim diagonally to the edge. The way you should swim is feet first and head up and scull facing the ceiling. The reason you should put your feet together is because if you hit into a rock with your legs open you could get stuck. If you put your feet together then you could bounce off the rocks. 

When you are drowning you have to put your hand straight up and not move it so the lifeguards know to save you. If you wave one hand that means a Hi, if you wave two times that means "I'm having fun", if you put your hand straight up then that means a come and rescue me. When you put your hand straight up then you yell "HELP!!" as loud as you can until someone can hear you. They always say swim with an adult but there is more to that. The adult must know how to swim. If someone drowns you should not go up to them because they are panicked and when you try to get them they will jump on you and try to get air and will make you drown, if they are drowning you it is not there fault, they are panicked. The right thing you should do is get something like a stick, Log anything to pull them out.  

After this we had got into our swimming session. First we went over sculling. Our instructor was Cameron. We learnt to scull feet first and normally sculling. You scull to survive in open water, moving water, also a river. So we had to first scull normally to the other platform and back. After that we had to scull feet first. We all had got the hang off it. After we all did our sculling then we had a race 2 people at a time then we thanked cameron and left the pools.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Maui | Lessons | Puposes

 LI: To teach people the lessons and purposes of Maui.

This week for reading we had to read one story about Maui. We had to teach people the lesson about Maui and purposes. We had to create a DLO to show this. We had to write information about Maui from the story we have read. One my DLO has Who is Maui, Maui's story we read, Purpose of the story, and questions you could ask. We had to explain the lessons and purposes of Maui. Here is the Maui story - "There was a trickster of all types of tricks. If anything was not as right to him he would change it immediately. One day he saw that the sun was too fast the people never had time to finish working and they have to eat there food raw. Maui had gotten his grandmother’s magical jawbone and turned it into a hook. Then he lassoed the sun god and beat the sun god and finally the sun agreed to be slower.  

Maui went fishing with his brother, he never shared his fish bait so maui punched his nose and used his brother blood for bait catching the biggest fish ever creating the polynesian islands.".

Different Angles | Reflex | Acute | Obtuse | Straight | Right

LI: To  identify and construct right, acute and obtuse angles.

This week for maths we had to create a DLO explaining the 5 different angles which is Reflex  Acute, Obtuse, Straight and Right angle. We had to learn the differences between these angles. An acute angle is 0 - 90°. An Obtuse angle is 90° - 180°, an obtuse angle is bigger than an acute angle. A Straight angle is 180°. A right angle is 90°. Then now a reflex angle is 180° - 360°. I used different materials to show all of the angles.

Friday 10 August 2018

Commenting - Farzana Blog

Today I commented on Farzana's Blog, She blogged about her campfire narrative. She told us baout how she planned it and what it was about. She also put A link on for her narrative. If you want to see her blog here is her link - Farzana's Blog 

Smart Media | Cybersmart

LI: To identify that media is a construction.

This week for inquiry we had to re-do Smart media. We had to do it properly. We had to portray a photo we had chosen suitable for friends and family also for blog.  We had to portray of what we might think we look like. Portray means something like show. We had to make 2 word clouds. Those two word clouds were for either the One suitable for School, two suitable for friends and family 


LI: To teach people the lessons and purposes about tengu stories.

This week for reading we had to find our information about tengu by reading stories of tengu. Here are some stories that have been typed down in the slide. We had to teach other people the myth about tengu and the purposes. We had to do this on a google slide.

The tengu and the Gambler

There was a gambler and a tengu. The tengu asked the gambler what he is most afraid of.The gambler lied and said he was most afraid of gold or mochi. The Tengu responded truthfully. The tengu was afraid of a sort of plant. The tengu thinking he himself is playing a cruel trick and makes money or rice cake rain on the gambler. The gambler is happy and proceeds his scare of gold or mochi in front of the tengu. The tengu left leaving a gourd behind with the gambler.
The tengu's Lesson: There was a young boy living in Japanese village. The village had tengu everywhere playing harmless tricks on everyone in the village. They can turn invisible by using magic cloaks. Everyone in the village respected the tengu and be careful  not to upset them. The young boys mother warned him to not play tricks on the tengu. He promised his mother. He kept his promise for a very long time until one day he had an amazing plan. He had got a bamboo stick and started to look in it pretending he could see the heavens. There was a tengu looking at him. “Wow, Amazing” said the boy “What do you see” replied the tengu. The said he sees the heavens. “I want to see the heavens” said tengu. So the boy and the tengu had a deal the tengu gave the boy the magical cloak which makes him invisible and for the bamboo stick. The boy has been playing tricks and anyone and when his mother calls him he pretends he isn’t there. The boy went to the river with his friends. The tengu found that he had been fooled and got some other tengu and they found the boy and started to push him making him stumble. The boys friends laughed and they never saw anything because the tengu was invisible. “Hahaha, your face is as red as a tengu” said one of the boys friends.

Narrative | Going camping

LI: To write a quick narrative.

This week for Writing we had to write a quick narrative about a prompt. We had only 40 minutes to write the narrative. We had to do 40 minutes so we can get ready for the writing test at the end of the year. We had to use BPDEP which stands for Brainstorm,Plan, Draft, Edit and Publish. We had to first brain storm, Then we had to plan, draft, edit and then publish. My story is about a girl named Kendall she went camping with her mum. She ends up floating away in the river and drowns. Then Mr green the chief police came and saved her and took her to the hospital.
Here is my Narrative - Link

This vs That | Panmure Bridge | Auckland Harbour bridge | Edith Cavell Bridge | Tower bridge

LI: To Compare and contrast Panmure Bridge to a Local equivalent
LI: To Compare and Contrast Panmure Bridge to an international equivalent

This week for inquiry we had to Compare and contrast the panmure bridge with another bridge from around the world or in new zealand and the auckland harbour bridge. We had to use our researching skills to find the information we needed. To do this we had to be in pairs or you could work by yourself. We had used different types of media and information sources. We had gotten our information from Wikipidia.

Thursday 9 August 2018


LI: To learn how to swim. 

This week LS1 had their third session in YMCA swimming centre. First before we had gotten into our swimming classes we first had a quick talk about Hyperthermia and Hypothermia. We talked about both of them. Hyperthermia is when you get very hot. Hypothermia is when you get very cold. Here is some signs of Hyperthermia and Hypothermia. You can get Hyperthermia when you stay in the sun too long and have no water that is when you can get it. You can get hypothermia when you are in cold water or in wet clothes also if it is a very cold season. 
  • Signs of hypothermia: lips turn blue, teeth chattering, confused-could think that body is warming up/talking/walking funny.
  • Tell adult if suspect friend is hypothermic
  • Must warm body slowly, otherwise get shock ("sick"): dry, dry clothes, blanket, slow shower. Slow shower important to prevent shock to heart and death.
  • Always call ambulance even if you or the person is getting a bit better.

After that our sessions started. In my group Cameron our instructor. First we had a warm up. Our warm up was just doing our streamline pose and kicking your feet without moving your hands. After this we did streamline on our backs to the other platform.

Now we did Sculling. We had to learn this for when we go into open deep water. We did this by putting our arms out then in. You have to put your head up so you can breath. After that we did sculling when you go into moving water like a river. You first put your feet out and put yours hands out then in. We also had to put our heads above the water so we can swim.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

3D and 2D Shapes

LI: To create 3D shapes using bluetack and toothpicks.

This week we had to create 2D and 3D shapes using toothpicks and bluetack. We had to create 5-6 3D shapes 3 minutes per shape. We had to work in partners. My partner was Bella. A 3D shape and a 2D shape is that 3D shape is 3 Dimensional and looks like you get a whole picture of the shape, and a 2D shape is 2 dimensional and flat. I made two shapes and bella made 3. We couldn't make the rectangle prism because we never had time so we just left it. We found making the shapes easy to make.


This week LS1 group went to have their third session of kiwi can term 3 week 3. We first talked about our topic "goal setting". Goal setting is when you make something to achieve in the future. We have goals to make ourselves feel proud and want to make another goal. We could influence other people younger or older than us to make a goal. Our catchphrase was "Kiwi can says, Never give up, achieve your goal, make a plan, because you can". Our enigiser of the day was cal snatch. We make a circle, Mr latu will put the long rope creating a circle. There were cones in the middle of the circle and Mrs Lily will put music on and we have to dance clockwise around the circle and when the music stops we need to go and snatch a cone in the middle. Our goal for our enigiser was to get a cone in the circle. The winner was Alizai. We can celebrate achieving our goals by people celebrating a party for you or just a high five. Next was our Activity. Our activity was called Octopus. There was an octopus in the middle of the room surrounding themselves in a hulahoop. To tag other people they had to use two pool noodles to tag them. If you get tagged you are stuck and you can tag other people who aren't stuck to get stuck. The girls were on one side and the boys we on the opposite side. The girls had to get to the opposite side same as the boys. Our goal for our activity was to get tp the other side without getting tagged by the octopus. Mr Matt will say we have to crawl to the other side or hop on one leg. The rules were that we can't run. The winner was Alizai. After that we had a quick game of GKQ then we ended our session by saying our catchphrase.