Wednesday 14 April 2021

Duffy Assembly

LI: To understand how reading can change one's life.

Today we had Marc from Duffy come and talk to us about the importance of reading and how reading can make a big impact on your life.  Although Marc had some challenges in his life he used reading as a tool to get through the hard times.  Marc believes that there is only CANs and not CAN’Ts.

I found the words that Marc said very inspiring and interesting because it isn't everyday you hear a story of one's life and how it drastically changed. His story was very awesome and can also make others believe that they can change their life with the saying "there are only CANs not CAN'Ts". 

Monday 12 April 2021

Kokako Infographic

 LI: To create an infographic using google draw that tells your audience facts about the kokako.

This week, everyone in LS2 has been given a set of different challenges based on our camp. For this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information about the North Island Kokako bird. We worked in pairs/groups. In my group there were Me, Taua and Hosea. We used 3 different sites to find information about the Kokako Bird. One of the things I found interesting about the Kokako bird was that Kokako birds do not have a specific diet like some other animals, depending on the time of the year they eat different things. Another interesting fact I found was that even though the Kokako is a bird and many people take birds as good flyers, the Kokako bird is not really a good flyer and is has more mobility. 

This activity was enjoyable because I got to find our new things about the Kokako Bird. 

Key Competencies

 LI: To compare the Key Competencies we think we will use on camp and the Key Competencies we actually used. 

Before we went to camp our challenge was to think about when we might use the Key Competencies as we faced the challenges.  When we came back from camp we looked at this and compared how we thought we would use the Key Competencies and how we actually used them. 

I found this activity interesting and fun because I am comparing the things I challenged myself to do at camp and depending whether I have done them or not. 

Friday 9 April 2021

5 minutes of Camp

LI:  To recount a 5 minute snapshot of one experience you had at camp

Me against the heights of the beam

I had so many thoughts in my mind, I wondered what it would feel like if I was at the end of that ladder. I wasn’t really a fan of heights but I always challenged myself to overcome  it.  Despite all the dismay going through my head a rush of confidence wavered around me, I can do this! 

The wind slightly hit the surface of my face as my feet left the ground. Before I even noticed I was already at the end of the ladder. I took a deep breath, I encouraged myself to go further. Slow and easily I climbed up the staples of the pole. I drew closer and closer to the desired target. 

Finally, my feet were on the log. “Turn around!” they said as I was trembling with fear. The fear of falling off the beam. I grabbed a hold of the rope that was connected to me, each step I took I tightened my grip. Tears were forming in my eyes, I can’t cry just yet! I was breathing rapidly as my heart pounded. My face felt as hot as a boiling kettle! Please- I was so close to bursting out in tears, but I held it in and kept going. 

All of a sudden I found myself at the end of the log. I was proud! I hugged the pole tightly before I turned around and walked to the middle of the log. The support team below me encouraged me to do a little dance. A dance! What the-! Do they want me to die! I mustered up the courage to let go of the rope for a little while. I waved my hands around for a bit then gripped the rope right after. 

Phew! Finally it's time to go down. “Slowly crouch like you're going to sit down, straighten your legs then push off” the instructor said. Following those steps I came down successfully. As I came down I burst into laughter, mocking myself how scared I was. I was relieved, this experience was none like others before. 

Last week we had our annual school camp held at Kokako Lodge. My 5 minute snapshot shows my personal voice and I have tried hard to paint a picture with my words to describe what I was doing and how I felt. In this recount I have showcased my feelings towards one of the activities during camp, as you can see I am potraying how I felt on the High Beam activity. 

This activity was really fun! Mainly because I was able to express my personal feelings and experience through learning.