Friday 25 September 2020

Least Common Multiple | Maths

 LI: To create a DLO explaining the least common multiple (LCM). 

This week for maths we have been talking about the least common multiple and the highest common factor. For our activity we had to create 2 separate DLOs explaining what the least common multiple is and what the highest common factor is. First I created the DLO explaining what the Least Common Multiple is. The least common multiple is the lowest multiple in common of 2 different numbers. For example. 

What is the LCM for 5 and 7? 

5 times tables - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 
7 times tables - 7, 14, 21, 28, 35

The LCM is 35 because that is the first common multiple 5 and 7 have. 

Thursday 24 September 2020

Law of Inertia | Reading

 LI: To create a DLO explaing the Law of Inertia. 

This week for reading we have been continuing with science. For this session we were learning the Law of Inertia. The Law of Inertia connects to physics in science. In groups we created a DLO explaining what the Law of Inertia is and who created it. Isaac Newton was the person who found out and created the Law of Inertia. I collaborated with Leroy, Ellenora, Karlos and Matthew to complete this DLO. Isaac Newton made 3 laws:
Law of Rest
Law of Direction
Law of Motion

Explanation | Making wise choices

 LI: to structure and write an explanation. 

Why is it important to make wise choices? 

Have you ever thought about the consequences when making choices? Have you ever thought about what happens next? Well, with that in mind, your consequences will change drastically for the better. When making a wise choice, it can be; picking up rubbish, helping someone out, anything that makes you feel relieved in a positive way. The outcome from making wise choices is much more different than a bad decision. 

Making the wrong decision might not always have a good outcome but, can be a time for you to ask yourself, did you really want to make this choice? Knowing the difference between choosing and making the wrong decision is very important. Many people make the wrong decision by struggling through peer pressure and stress or making wrong decisions to feel relieved or feel good, this is called dopamine. 

With this topic in mind, people become addicted to drugs and their mindset towards the world and people around them changes. This is not a positive change. Becoming addicted to drugs can really affect your mental and physical health. If you are being pressured in taking drugs by friends or family, you are not in the right environment. You can seek help from social workers from school or in your community. If being pressured, feel the confidence to say no!

Many people take drugs and become so addicted that their future is not very bright, but it is never too late to stop. When people are very addicted they can get caught up in trouble with bad people. These bad people are drug dealers, drug suppliers and more. If you get caught up in this trouble you can be sent to prison for a long amount of time which can separate you from your family and friends. 

In conclusion, feel the confidence to say no! Listen to that small voice in your head, no matter how quiet it is listen to it! Think about your future and learn from your mistakes, always know you are the most important person in your life. Move on, stop taking drugs. 

This week we have been creating explanations. Our theme for our explanation was about making wise choices. We had the chance to choose our own topic. My topic was based on making wise choices connected to drugs. Using the information from the DARE Program I learnt that drugs are a substance that is very addictive and can be very dangerous in the wrong uses. With the help of Sakshi, I have checked my explanation to make sure there are no irrelevant sentences and use of words in it. 

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Who will get my vote?

LI: To decide which political party will get your vote by making an informed choice   

To decide which political party I would vote for I read a summary of the policies each party wants to introduce should they win the election and the right to form a government to run NZ. Doing this allowed me to make an informed decision.
If I was 18 I would vote for the Green Party because I think they are suitable to run for Government and they have a lot of resolutions for different problems. This means if the Green Party won the election in my electorate James Shaw would be our member of parliament and Marama Davidson would become the Prime Minister.

Monday 21 September 2020

DARE... to make a choice

 LI: To create a DLO answering 4 questions. 

This week we have been continuing with the DARE program.  This week for the DARE program we were talking about the risks and consequences in making wrong choices. We talked about how we could make the right choices. In table groups we were given 6 different scenarios, we were to explain the consequences of the scenarios and how we would punish the person. Lastly, in pairs we created a DLO explaining our answers on 4 different questions. I collaborated with Heavenly to complete this task. These questions were :
Why is it important to make the right choices?

What is one thing that suprised you?

What is the main thing you learnt?

What is one thing to remember in the future?


Friday 18 September 2020

Tech Reflection | Science | Ms Sharma

 LI: To identify the types of materials and uses of plastic. 

This week for tech we continued learning about plastic. During this session we learnt the different uses of plastic, the dangers, and some different materials made by plastic. There are some plastic that can't be recycled while others can. For our activity we had 13 facts, we had to read each of those facts and label them under; positive, negative and neutral. The label positive; was labelled for the facts of plastic that are good uses to the world. The label negative; was labelled for the facts that were about harmful uses of plastic. The neutral label; was a labelled for the facts that were good and bad, which basically means the fact praised the plastic but had a bad outcome. 

Thursday 17 September 2020

History | Maori Language Week

 LI: To identify the history of Maori Language Week.

This week me and my group have completed another Te Wiki o te reo maori challenge. For this challenge Juel, Sulia, Heavenly and I created a google slide deck explaining the importance and history of Maori language Week. In 1975, Maori Language week was marked an official language week in Aotearoa ( New Zealand ). Although there was a language week, the people from the Maori community protested to have Maori language taught in schools to keep the culture going. This was acknowledged in the 1980s. In 1985 Maori Language was one of the official languages of NZ. 

Whakatauki | Maori Language Week

LI:  To define a whakatauki in your own words. 

Sulia, Juel, Heavenly and I have completed our 2nd activity. For this activity we created a DLO explaining what we thought the whakatauki meant in our words. The whakatauki we chose was 'Long on words, short on actions'. In my opinion I thought this meaning that people keep saying things but doesn't actually accomplish or complete it. A whakatauki is a significant saying or proverb. 

Te Reo / English APP | Maori Language Week

 LI: To create a bilingual app of Maori and English. 

This week is Maori Language Week. In LS2 we were given different challenges to accomplish relating to Te reo maori. This is one of 3 challenges. For this activity Juel, Sulia, Heavenly and I created a interactive DLO, also known as a digital app. In this DLO we included different questions relating to Maori. This DLO was made to help others learn some words, numbers, places, and object names in Maori. There are different buttons on the DLO that are there in order to click and move around the DLO more easily. 

Friday 11 September 2020

Family Tree | Te reo Maori

 LI: to create a DLO showing your family roots. 

This week the Te reo Maori challenge was to create a DLO showing yoru family roots. In this DLO I have made a family tree of my family. I have only went up to one generation of my family. As you can see there are words like ; Whaea, Matua, Whaea Keke, Matua Keke. This was a really fun challenge. These words are for showing who they are. Here is the definition of the words:

Whaea - Mother

Matua - Father

Whaea Keke - Aunty

Matua Keke - Uncle

Its cool 2b me! | DARE Program

 LI: To complete a DLO about its cool 2b me.

This week LS2 has been doing the DARE program. This program is to help us become more confident to say no to drugs and alchohol. In this DLO we wrote down all the things about ourselves. This was to help us become more proud to be 'me'. There were different subjects in this DLO. They were; What I look for in friends, my wish, great things about me, my favorite food, my goals, someone I would like to be, best friends, and fun things I like doing. 

MRS C GREN | Biology

LI: To understand the meaning behind the acronym MRSCGREN

This week for reading we have been focusing on science. We were focusing on biology. I have worked collaboratively with Acein, Akuhata and Sulia.  In this DLO, we had defined MRS C GREN. MRS C GREN is one of the majer processes of biology. This DLO contains how it works, and why it is important. We used key trategies like, Skimming and Scanning, Collaborating, Smart searching skills, Collaboration and Using other words. Here is the meaning of MRS C GREN:

M - Movement

R - Respiration

S - Sensitivity

C - Cells

G - Growth

R - Reproduction

E - Excretion

N - Nutrition


Science is Empirical

 LI: To look for evidence in the data/an image and infer what might be happening.

This week LS2 has been carrying on with science. In groups of 3-4 we created a DLO showing how science is empirical. I collaborated with Sulia, Juel and Heavenly. We also strengthened our visualising skills by interpreting an image of footprints and guessing what was happening. During the session we learnt why science is empirical. Science is empirical because it is based of observations. We observed the images and wrote down what we thought was happening. This task was based off biology science. 

Thursday 10 September 2020

Sunflower Painting

  LI: to paint a still life of sunflowers in the style of vincent van gogh. 

During the past few weeks LS2 has learnt about Vincent van Gogh. Inspired by his paintings, we decided to make a painting of our own. We were inspired by his 'still life' paintings of the sunflowers. The meaning behind the sunflower painting of Vincent van Gogh was to be made for his friend, Paul Gaughin. Vincent van Gogh made the sunflower painting for his friend in order to hang on his wall as something to lighten up the room. We made different shades of colors by mixing and toning 2 or more colors. We kept in mind that we shouldn't overload our paint brushes and to create sharp edges and lines for our vase. After finishing our paintings we put them up on our class walls. 

Friday 4 September 2020

Tech Reflection | Science | STEAM

 LI: To understand and identify the meaning of science with Mrs Sharma. 

This week the Yr 7&8's in LS2 had a new Tech rotation. The year 8's had Food Tech with Mrs Heka and the Yr 7's had Science (STEAM) with Mrs Sharma. Mrs Sharma was our Tech teacher for this term. We started by receiving a project book each. In our project book we wrote down what we were learning and what was happening during the session. 

We started off the session by introducing ourselves to Mrs Sharma. The topic of this week was 'being a scientist'. Mrs Sharma then showed us some science equiptment thats used during testing or in a science lab. There were some equiptment we knew and did not know. Mrs Sharma told us about what the equiptment were and what they are used for. Some of the science equiptment she showed us were; funnel, bunsen burner, test tubes etc. We wrote down the science equiptment we learnt in our project books. 

After that we had some time to think about some words we thought of when we hear science. Everybody participated and wrote down what they think relate to science on the board. Some words in the list were Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Those 3 words are also known as the 3 main areas of science. Each scientist studies at least one of those areas. The words we wrote down on the board also were written in our project books. 

While talking to the people around us we found out answers to 3 questions. They were; 
What is a scientist? 
What do scientists do? 
Have you ever thought about being a scientist? If so, what area in science would you study?

We had an activity to finish off our session. Using an A3 paper folded into quaters we did our activity on it. On the top left quartile we wrote down some more words we think of when we hear science. On the bottome left quartile we drew sketches of what we think of when we hear science. On the top right corner we wrote down the area of subject we'd study if we were a scientist and a question. The area I chose was biology, my question I asked was 'who found out that the sun was the source of light?'. Lastly on the bottom right corner we cut out an image and sticked it on the quartile and wrote down what was the science in the image. 

Thursday 3 September 2020

Duffy Books In Schools

This week each class in Panmure Bridge School got given Duffy books that were chosen from each student. I have been excitingly waiting to recieve the books I have chosen. The books I have chosen are called 'Chinatown Girl' and 'Amulet: Book Seven'. I would like to thank Duffy and the scholastic company for giving students at my school the chance to open a world of possible. The Duffy books we receive give the students a chance to find an inspiration while reading. I have read 6 series of all the Amulet books and I am very excited to find out what happens next in book 7.  I also have 2 books of 'My New Zealand Story' collection and am excited to have a third book from the series. 

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Natural Disaster Q2 | Tsunami

 LI: to identify the evacuating instructions during a tsunami. 


In this DLO I have answered the second question. This question was based of what to do when you see the signs of a tsunami. If you see the warning signs of a tsunami you and your family should evacuate immediately to high ground, if there is no high ground near that move as afar in land as possible. Tsunami's are usually caused by earthquakes or a sudden movement in the ocean floor. Using an image from the civil defence site it comes with a phrase 'If an earthquake is long or strong, get gone'. It basically means, if there has been a strong or long earthquake in the area then get gone as quickly as possible. 

Vincent van Gogh Timeline

LI: To create a timeline to show the life of Vincent van Gogh. 

Made with Padlet

This week in groups of 3-4 we created a timeline using Padlet explaining the life of Vincent van Gogh. Vincent van Gogh is a dutch artists that created paintings called 'Still life'. Still life is capturing a moment in time by painting it. We collaborated together to complete this task, the people in my group were Juel, Sulia and Heavenly. We all found out interesting facts and things about Vincent van Gogh. The thing that I found interesting was that out of a strong love for his girlfriend he cut of a part of his ear, because it is not very often someone cuts of part of his ear for a reason like that. During his lifetime he made over 800 paintings and 1,100 sketchings. His very first painting was called 'The potato eaters'.