Friday 4 September 2020

Tech Reflection | Science | STEAM

 LI: To understand and identify the meaning of science with Mrs Sharma. 

This week the Yr 7&8's in LS2 had a new Tech rotation. The year 8's had Food Tech with Mrs Heka and the Yr 7's had Science (STEAM) with Mrs Sharma. Mrs Sharma was our Tech teacher for this term. We started by receiving a project book each. In our project book we wrote down what we were learning and what was happening during the session. 

We started off the session by introducing ourselves to Mrs Sharma. The topic of this week was 'being a scientist'. Mrs Sharma then showed us some science equiptment thats used during testing or in a science lab. There were some equiptment we knew and did not know. Mrs Sharma told us about what the equiptment were and what they are used for. Some of the science equiptment she showed us were; funnel, bunsen burner, test tubes etc. We wrote down the science equiptment we learnt in our project books. 

After that we had some time to think about some words we thought of when we hear science. Everybody participated and wrote down what they think relate to science on the board. Some words in the list were Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Those 3 words are also known as the 3 main areas of science. Each scientist studies at least one of those areas. The words we wrote down on the board also were written in our project books. 

While talking to the people around us we found out answers to 3 questions. They were; 
What is a scientist? 
What do scientists do? 
Have you ever thought about being a scientist? If so, what area in science would you study?

We had an activity to finish off our session. Using an A3 paper folded into quaters we did our activity on it. On the top left quartile we wrote down some more words we think of when we hear science. On the bottome left quartile we drew sketches of what we think of when we hear science. On the top right corner we wrote down the area of subject we'd study if we were a scientist and a question. The area I chose was biology, my question I asked was 'who found out that the sun was the source of light?'. Lastly on the bottom right corner we cut out an image and sticked it on the quartile and wrote down what was the science in the image. 

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