Wednesday 1 August 2018

Myths, Legends, Fairy Tales | Reading Strategies Reminder

LI: To compare Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales.
LI: To understand what we are reading
We had to pair up with someone to do this. We first had to remind ourselves about Reading Strategies. We had to put all the reading strategies we have learnt in the slide. We had to put it under either Before reading, During reading and after reading. We use the reading strategies so we can understand the text we are reading. We use these strategies in any thing we read. One of the strategies are Self monitoring. When you get stuck on a sentence you can re-read, ask for help or keep on reading. If you get stuck on a word, you can ask for help, look in a dictionary or a thesaurus, you could also use a dictionary or a thesaurus online. Here is another strategy. It is called synthesizing. Synthesizing is when you read a book and while your reading your prior knowledge that you used to have about something is changed. Here is an example I found. "I thought that people in wheel chair could basically go any where but no they can't after reading this it is actually very hard for a disable person to get to specific places in a wheel chair like using the stairs.". 

Next we had to read two sites talking about Myths, Legends and Fairy tales. We had to find out what they all mean. We had to list facts and compare them. Here is some facts about
Myths, Legends and Fairy tales.

Myths, Fairy tales and Legends are all fanciful tales They are all types of folk lore.  Legends are about real people who did something that no one did. Myths  can explain mysteries about the supernatural and more. Fairy tales have a storyline based on good and evil. Here is some bonus facts. Fairy Tales and myths can include imaginary creatures. Fairy tales mainly have some sort of fantastic element either good or evil. Myths can be made by history. Legends purpose is to be historical in nature. Some people or things that are myths, legends, or fairy tales are like Johnny Appleseed. He is known for planting a lot of apple orchards. He is a legend. Fairies and mermaids are both fairy tales. A werewolf is a mythical creature. We learnt a lot while reading those two sites that we had read. We all found a lot of information to compare them all also about Myths, Fairy tales and Legends.

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