Wednesday 8 August 2018


This week LS1 group went to have their third session of kiwi can term 3 week 3. We first talked about our topic "goal setting". Goal setting is when you make something to achieve in the future. We have goals to make ourselves feel proud and want to make another goal. We could influence other people younger or older than us to make a goal. Our catchphrase was "Kiwi can says, Never give up, achieve your goal, make a plan, because you can". Our enigiser of the day was cal snatch. We make a circle, Mr latu will put the long rope creating a circle. There were cones in the middle of the circle and Mrs Lily will put music on and we have to dance clockwise around the circle and when the music stops we need to go and snatch a cone in the middle. Our goal for our enigiser was to get a cone in the circle. The winner was Alizai. We can celebrate achieving our goals by people celebrating a party for you or just a high five. Next was our Activity. Our activity was called Octopus. There was an octopus in the middle of the room surrounding themselves in a hulahoop. To tag other people they had to use two pool noodles to tag them. If you get tagged you are stuck and you can tag other people who aren't stuck to get stuck. The girls were on one side and the boys we on the opposite side. The girls had to get to the opposite side same as the boys. Our goal for our activity was to get tp the other side without getting tagged by the octopus. Mr Matt will say we have to crawl to the other side or hop on one leg. The rules were that we can't run. The winner was Alizai. After that we had a quick game of GKQ then we ended our session by saying our catchphrase.

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