Saturday 5 January 2019

DAY 5: Wasting Away | Activity 1: Off the Menu [4 points]

Fishing is a really common activity in New Zealand. In fact, people have fished in New Zealand for centuries. Unfortunately, over the past few decades some people have caught too many fish in one area and left the region without enough fish to refill (replenish) the stocks. When this happens we call the area ‘overfished’ and it is closed to all private and commercial fishing. If people are caught fishing in these areas, they are required to pay a fine (money). The maximum fine for fishing in a restricted area is $100 000.
What do you think about this rule? Is it fair that people are charged up to $100 000 for overfishing? I think this rule is unfair because the people fishing might need it for their homes and families to eat because they do not have enough money.


  1. Hi Fau!,
    Great job on completing this activity. For me I agree and disagree for the fine of overfishing, but you are right too. You have a good reason to backup your opinion. Have you ever been fishing before?
    Keep Up The Great Blogging!!

  2. Hey there Fau, it's Billy here again from the Summer Learning Journey team. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on whether or not a fine of $100,000 is fair for people who are caught over fishing. I think if people are just feeding their families and friends then it should be OK. However, if people are over fishing for their business and selling fish onto customers then there is a problem. If we allow people to catch more fish than they need then it is not sustainable and eventually our oceans will be depleted of life. I couldn't imagine going to a fish and chip shop and not being able to buy fish!

    Have you ever been fishing before Fau?

    Thanks, Billy.

  3. Hello Fau! I agree with your opinion but also think that this is some what of fair. Fishers should know better to not fish in one exact place, but $100,000 sounds like quite an amount of money. I like how you included the fishers point of view in your argument as well. How would you feel if you were a fisher and were fined this amount of money? Keep it up!
