Wednesday 19 September 2018

Kiwi Can | Perserverance | Relisilience

LI: To be perserverance and show resilience among other people. This week we had our last teaching session with Kiwi Can Mr Matt and Miss Lily. 

What is Perserverance?
It when you never give up and don't give up. Also to be patient and to not be frustrated to other people or by somethings. Perserverance is apart of being resilient. 
What is Resilience? 
Resilience is bounicng back and coping with your challenges so never giving up and keep on trying over and over again. 

We had to try be perserverance and resilient during our enigiser and activity. 

Our enigiser was called tangled. Our Kiwi Can leaders pick a tagger and the tagger had to try tag people. When the tagger tags you then you guys have to link up and hold hands and try tag other people. You can't tag someone without being linked. 

When you get tagged and link up some people were getting frustrated because some reason. 

Our activity was called Invisible touch. Invisible touch is when you split into two groups of people and the leaders have to say a number of people who goes. They choose a person who has the ball and the person with the ball has to get it to the other end but if they get touched by someone from the other team the person who tags them has the ball then they have to try go and run to the goal. 

We had to try not be frustrated. 

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