Wednesday 12 September 2018

Kiwi Can

LI: To learn how to be perserverance.

This week for Kiwi Can we were talking about perserverance. Perserverance means to be paitient and keep on trying over and over again also to never give up. We had our enigiser. It was called add master. You go around the circle and you put a number of fingers you want out on your hand and the other person you are versing is doing the same thing to. You count all of the finger that are held up and first person to say it wins.

We tried to be perserverance in our enigiser. To be perserverance in our enigiser we needed to be patient and do not get angry of you lose the challenge.

Next we had our Activity. It was called building towers. Building towers is when you have to try and use the cards given to you to try make a tower in a team. We tried to not get frustrated during making the cards because it seemed very easy but little did we know it was extremely hard. ALmost everyone had gotten frustrated when Mr Matt said " Four minutes left!" we were all like
"AHHH" so we all made a plan.

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