Friday 8 May 2020

Literary Devices | Poetry

LI: to identify and understand literary devices (language features) used in poetry.

Today I have completed another task for this week. For this task we had to identify and understand different language features (figurative language) that are needed in a poem. Then we had to make our own examples of them. Here are examples of language features needed in a poem:
simile - A simile is a device where a poet likens a person or thing to something else to create a more vivid impression.  A simile always contains the word ‘as’ or ‘like’.
metaphor - When using a metaphor, a poet says one thing is the other thing.
hyperbole - An unrealistic exaggeration used for emphasis. It is not meant to be taken literally.
personification - When you liken an object to a person or giving the object a personality.  It is a way of speaking about inanimate objects as though they were people.
repitition -  When a word, sentence or phrase is written more than once in a poem
alliteration - Alliteration is the use of words which start with the same sound to create an effect.
onomatopoeia - The use of words that have the same sound as the thing or action being described, or which gives a feeling of that particular thing or action.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fau
    Your DLO shows you understand the language features needed in a poem and is very informative. I really liked the examples you gave, your metaphor for the classroom being a zoo made me smile. Which language feature did you think was the hardest to think of an example for?
    Well Done Fau
