Tuesday 6 February 2018

Bonus Activity: You Have to Pay to Play

In 1990, for the first time in New Zealand’s history, universities and polytechnics started charging students money to go to school. Prior to then, it had been free to go to university or to a polytechnic. Since 1990, students have had to pay thousands of dollars to attend post-secondary (after high school) education.

The new Labour government have promised to give up to three years of free post-secondary education to all New Zealanders by 2020!

On your blog, tell us what you think. Should students have to pay money (tuition fees) to go to university? Why or why not?

I think that paying money to go University is not right. You shouldn't pay money just to go to University it should be free because some students might have no money and are poor, how are they gonna go University? Also some other kids might not have enough money to pay the fee and when they have to pay it they don't and the fee might be more money.

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