Thursday 25 July 2019

Swimming | Kiwi Sport

LI: To learn water safety skills.

This week was our first week of swimming fro the term and year. We had split ourselves into our year level. The seniors year level had went with the juniors. I was in the Year 6 group. We had went with the Year 1 group. We first split ourselves into least confident swimming in the deep pool and the most confident. We had two swimming instructors, Lizzy and Elizabeth. I was with Elizabeth.

We first were doing the floating. We had to float on our stomache than turn around on our back. We had tried this one by one. Than we had done another one. After we had done another floating activity but we had to lie facing down in the water the tuck our feet in and lie the opposite direction. This was hard at first but I had got it. Than we had done sommersaults from one end to the half way of the pool. Then we had done dolphin dives all the way to the half way of the pool. Then lastly we had high fived Elizabeth's  hand and exited the pool after doing our favorite swimming move. Mine was the sculling.

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