Thursday 2 January 2020

Activity 2: [4 points] | Week 2 | Day 1 | SLJ

Today I have completed the second activity for day 2. For this activity the main person of this activity was Dr Jessica Rogers. She is an aboriginal Australian and leader of indigenous education. She is the first ever aboriginal principle at a young age. She has also won the NAIDOC Youth of the Year award in 2010. For the activity we had to calculate Dr Jessica Rogers age when she won the NAIDOC Youth of the Year award. Here is an explanation I had created: 


  1. Hi Fau! Great job on working this equation out. It's great to see you completing more and more of the activities and keeping your learning up through out this holiday. 25 Years, 3 Months and 2 Days seems correct! Did you find this activity difficult? Well done!

  2. Well done on posting and participating in the SLJ this year Fau. Here's my workings out on the problem...
    1985 > 2010 = 25yrs
    7th April > end of April = 23 days
    May = 31 days
    June = 30 days
    > 9th July = 9 days
    = 23+31+30+9= 93 days
    April = 30 days, May = 31 days, June = 30 days (92 days)
    2 days left over
    = 25 yrs, 3 months and 2 days.
    Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!

  3. Hey Fau!,
    I have really enjoyed your working out of this equation. 25 years, 3 months and 2 days is also my answer for this equation. It seems like you have put a lot of effort into these SLJ activities, so well done.

    Good Job!

  4. Hi Fau!
    This activity you did was great. Great job on completing this activity. What was the hardest part of this activity?
    Blog you later!
    ~ Florence

  5. Hi Fau,
    I liked how you explained how you got your answer with lots of detail, I got the same answer as you and many other people, so it must be right. Did you find this problem easy or hard?
