Wednesday 25 July 2018

Duffy Theatre | Bullying

This week Monday LS1 went to a performance from Duffy and his crew. We had got to meet them. They told us some rules and we listened. If we were very loud they will put their fingers at their mouths and say "Shh!". The performance started, we all watched in curiosity of what was going to happen next. The theme of the act was bullying. Duffy's friend Ashleigh has been bullying Melanie. Ashleigh always be mean to Melanie and steals her lunch, but Duffy doesn't know about it. Ashleigh kept on bullying Melanie until Duffy found out. Duffy used 4 things to see if Ashleigh was the Cloakroom bully. When it was lunch time Ashleigh came to play soccer with Duffy but Melanie was with him. Ashleigh was like "Get lost Melanie does it look like we wanna be your friend" when she saw her. Then Duffy stood up for Melanie and told Ashleigh to stop bullying her because it will hurt her feelings. Then Duffy said he isn't coming to soccer training. Then Ashleigh said she was gonna tell coach on him , this is what he said " You tell coach and I will tell him why". Then Ashleigh stopped bullying Melanie from a book that Duffy gave to Melanie called The Halloween bully. It was about a skeleton named Wyatt and a Ghost. The ghost kept on taking Wyatt's lunch and bully's her by saying mean things about how she it skinny and Boney. Then The ghost found that she was making Wyatt sad so she said sorry for the things she said and also because she was very mean to everyone they didn't want to go to the disco party with her. Then the ghost and Wyatt became friends and went to the disco party together. Melanie gave the book to Ashleigh and then she found that she was the like the ghost and Melanie was Wyatt so by her inspiration from the book she apoligized and Ashleigh, Duffy, and Melanie became best friends because ashleigh was acting kind to melanie and invited her to play soccer. 

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