Wednesday 6 September 2017

Persuasive Speech Plan

Persuasive speech plan

My topic: More theme parks in New Zealand
My argument:  We should have more theme parks not just Rainbows end
Audience: Government

How will you greet your audience? By introducing myself and greeting them.
How will you introduce your topic in a catchy way?We should not just have only one theme park in New Zealand.
Write a rhetorical question to make the audience think about your topic: If we had only like 3 theme parks will that make a change to your mind.
What is your opinion? Write a statement that clearly states your point of view: If we had more theme parks we won’t need to go to just one we could go to many more and enjoy lots more instead of Rainbow’s end.I am not saying to bust down Rainbow’s end i'm just saying to make more theme parks in New Zealand like GC (Gold Coast.)
List some facts or statistics that support your opinion: When you make more theme parks more people will come and enjoy their time having fun with family and friends at the other theme parks not just Rainbows end.
Do you have a solution to the problem?We should have more theme parks so people can not just spend money on Rainbow’s end and spend money on the other theme parks.
Say your opinion again and warn the audience what will happen if they don’t agree with your opinion. If you don’t agree with this then some people might stop coming to Rainbows End and go to different places that have theme parks.

Persuasive speech plan

My topic: Not need passports to travel the world
My argument:  We should not need passports to travel the world
Audience: Police, Government, Prime Minister

How will you greet your audience? By introducing myself and greeting them.
How will you introduce your topic in a catchy way?We should not need a passport to travel the world.
Write a rhetorical question to make the audience think about your topic: If we had no passports to travel the world how would it make you feel?
What is your opinion? Write a statement that clearly states your point of view: If we had passports it will be a while to make your passports and when you booked a plane to go somewhere across the world your passport is still getting made.
List some facts or statistics that support your opinion: When you go to the airport they should already know your information and have like a photo of you and your name and details.
Do you have a solution to the problem?We should have no passports we should just bring in our ID or Birth certificate to show the police and the airport.
Say your opinion again and warn the audience what will happen if they don’t agree with your opinion. If you don’t agree with this then some people will be missing their flights and have to be booking another day or time.

Persuasive speech plan

My topic: Alcohol free country
My argument:  New Zealand should be an alcohol free country
Audience: People who sell alcohol,People who drink alcohol and Adults.

How will you greet your audience? By introducing myself and greeting them.
How will you introduce your topic in a catchy way?
We should be an alcohol free country
Write a rhetorical question to make the audience think about your topic: How would you feel or think if New Zealand didn’t sell Alcohol.
What is your opinion? Write a statement that clearly states your point of view: We should be an alcohol free country so when young children grow up they don’t need to copy their mum or dad any family member that they see drinking alcohol.
List some facts or statistics that support your opinion: If you drink Alcohol you can get all weird and not think about what you are doing and just do things instead of thinking.
Alcohol is very unhealthy for your body and health.
When Adults drink alcohol you don’t think instead you just do whatever you want and forget what you were doing when you sleep the alcohol off.
Do you have a solution to the problem?
We should not sell alcohol in New Zealand and in all Countries.
Say your opinion again and warn the audience what will happen if they don’t agree with your opinion. We should be an alcohol free country so when young children grow up they don’t need to copy their mum or dad any family member that they see drinking alcohol. If you do drink alcohol your body and health will change and you might even hurt someone if you're drunk from drinking alcohol.

LI:To create a persuasive speech.I learnt that a persuasive speech needs to be clear and make sense.I learn t this by making three speech plans about three topics and brainstorming on padlet with my writing group (J.K Rowling.)

1 comment:

  1. Malo Fau
    Your Poster is incredible its got a lot of detail. This means that you have been working hard to get the work done.
    Well keep up the good work.
