Friday 5 April 2019

Poetry | Inquiry | Rythm | Rhyme

LI: to identify the purposes of poems.

This week for Inquiry we have been talking about Poems.  Poetry is a type of text that can be made in different ways and shapes. Poetry can also in sound patterns they are Rhythm and Rhyme. We have been learning the different types of Rhythm and Rhyme in poems. The different Rhythm and Rhyme is:

End Rhyme - End rhyme is when you have a piece of text  that has a word at the end of it which rhymes with the next end word of the next sentence.
One two,
 buckle my shoe;
three four,
shut the door;
five six,
pick up sticks;
seven eight,
 lay them straight;
nine ten,
 a big fat hen.

Alliteration - Alliteration is repeating the beginning sounds in a word.
Dragons flew fiercley for five funny hours.

Assonance - Assonance is repeating  the vowel's in text.
e.g Try to light the high tower's fire.

Consonance - Consonance is repeating the other letter's than vowels they are called consonant.
Hickory Dickory Dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
the mouse ran down,
Hickory Dickory Dock.

We read different types of poems and learnt what kind of poems they were out of Rthym and Rhyme. We had to highlight what think the type of poem it is. It can be more than 1 type. We also had to hightlight the poem to give evidence that it is that type of poem.


  1. Greetings, Fau!
    I have scrolled through your blog post and found this amazing work. I think your blog post was amazing. It would be better if you talked about what kind of poems there are in your inquiry groups.

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