LI: to create your own poem or song lyric.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Monday, 21 December 2020
SLJ Week 1 Activity 8 | Rise up
Friday, 18 December 2020
SLJ Week 1 Activity 7 | Optical Illusion
Thursday, 17 December 2020
SLJ Week 1 Activity 6 | What are you doing today?
LI: To practise the Maori pronounciation for "what are you doing today?".
SLJ Week 1 Activity 5 | Kowhaiwhai Patterns
LI: To create a kowhaiwhai pattern to represent summer
I have completed the 5th activity for the Summer Learning Journey. This includes the Kick Start and Step it up Challenge. Today I learnt that when it is very hot and the air is shimmering Tānerore performs the haka for his mother, Hine-Raumati. This happens in summer as the land heats up.
Our challenge was to think about this while we designed our own kowhaiwhai pattern to represent summer. My pattern represents the sea and the land, what I mean by this is that on summer days it is natural instinct to go and enjoy the time outside in the sun acknoledging nature or at the beach to cool down.
The body of the top half of my kowhaiwhai patter represents the ocean and the blue sky, on hot summer days in New Zealand people tend to spend their days soaking away in the cold blue water. The other half represents the sand, it also represents the nature or outside. As the is shining on summer days children and families enjoy spending time out in the sun going for walks around the neighbourhood or relaxing in local parks/playgrounds.
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
SLJ Week 1 Activity 4 | Insect Art
LI: To create a piece of insect art
Today I have completed the 4th activity fro the Summer Learning Journey. Inspired by art creations by Raku Inoue we went outside and collected leaves, twigs, and other plant debris to create our own insect images. Since Panmure Bridge School is not finished yet, we all walked around the entire school to collect what we needed. It took me a while to figure out what insect I should create so I decided to challenge myself and create a butterfly. For the butterflys' wings I used for the top half cut out leaves and the same for the bottom half. I added some detail from small flowers I found on the school fields. This was a really fun activity and gave me the chance to think outside the box.
Here are some facts of a butterfy:
You may or may not know this but butterflies rely on the warmth of the air temperature. If the air temperature around the butterflies aren't at least 85 degrees farenheit they would not fly.
Compared to the human eyesight, a butterflys' eyesight can see things we can't. Have you heard of ROYGBIV? R stands for Red, O stands for Orange, Y stands for Yellow, G stands for Green, B stands for Blue, I stands for Indigo, and V stands for Violet. These colors are known as the main 7 colors to the human eye, butterflies can see colors that we cannot.
Many people assume that the color on the wings of a butterfly is just for attraction but theres many more reasons why. Due to being a small insect a butterfly struggles by being prey to many predators. The beautiful color you see on their wings are used to intimidate predators.
Did you know that a butterflys' wings are made up of tiny transparent scales? The color of the wings are made from the reflection of the sun in their wings. This is what you call iridescene. Iridiscene is what happens when the sunlight reflects through the multiple layers of scales. Iridiscene can also be seen when blowing a bubble from soap. When you make a bubble from soap you can see many colors spiraling around the bubble. This is what causes butterflies to have color on their wings.
SLJ Week 1 Activity 3 | Fishy False Teeth
LI: To create your own comic strip of an imaginary conversation.
Monday, 14 December 2020
SLJ Week 1 Activity 2
LI: To write a quality blog comment on someone else’s blog that starts a rich learning conversation.
Leaving a quality blog comment on another student’s blog helps us make connections to new learning by asking open ended questions that encourage a reply and motivate the blogger to ask their own question in return. This is how a comment thread starts and when that happens we make connections with a wider audience who we can learn with and from. I have commented on Jessie T's blogpost from Glen Innes School and also Malachi from Ruapotaka School. I have also commented on Sau and Tumanaako's blog but my comments need to be approved.
SLJ Week 1 Activity 1
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Operation Christmas Drop
LI: To write a summary of the story behind the Operation Christmas Drop in your own words.
Friday, 4 December 2020
Decorating the Tree
LI: To decorate the office Christmas tree
The purpose of our Design Technology challenge was to create a set of Christmas/Holiday decorations that respresented our school and the people in it. We were given a design brief from Mr Johnston and a delivery date. To celebrate the end of this challenge LS2 delivered their completed decorations to Mr Johnston, then hung them on the tree in our school office.
Design Technology Challenge
LI: To design and make a holiday decoration that fits the client brief.
Thursday, 3 December 2020
LI: To create a probability tree to explain your thinking.
Friday, 27 November 2020
Tech Reflection | Science
LI: to create a blogpost explaining our tech session.
This morning we had our tech session, this was the last session this year with Mrs Sharma. For this session we talked about plants and foodmakers. First in our project books we explained how plants grow, how it feeds itself, what it needs in order to live, different types of plants, and why plants are important to animals. After we explained what a plant is we watched a video of the system of a plant. We next went around Tamaki College and found 10 different leaves, after we found the leaves we made a table chart describing each leave, on the chart we numbered the leaves from 1-10. There were 5 different coloumns;
Size - *cm
Texture - *rough, soft, waxy
Color - *green, purple
Thickness - *the thickness of the leaf
Pattern - *veins through the leaves
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Art Colouring Book
LI: To experiment with colors.
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Bookclub | Bok Choy
LI: to unpack the text together
Sulia, Afatia, Azatulah, Vayan, Chris, Luka, and I were introduced to the activity, Book Club by Mrs Anderson. Each member of the book club has a role to take each week. The 7 roles are, The Discussion Director, Connector, Summariser, Passage Picker, Word Master, Illustrator and Meeting Report.
The book that we read this week was called “Bok Choy” by Paul Mason. The moral of the story was describing the differences between the chinese people compared to the englishman. This story unpacked the racism faced by chinese minors who came to NZ in the 1800s to seek their fortune in the gold fields and how it affected others. From this story we learnt it is important to accept one another despite who we are and how we look.
Once we had completed the tasks for our roles, we reported back to the group and shared our thoughts and ideas. The Discussion Director’s asked questions and guided everybody to be on the right track. The Summariser, picked 20 most important words from the story, to 6, and used it to summarise the text. The Passage Picker would pick a part of the story and write why it’s important to you. The Connector had to make connections to themself, to text, and to the world from the book.
I enjoyed sharing our opinions with one another with group, we were all confident to share our thoughts creating a rich learning conversation about the story.
Monday, 23 November 2020
Te Whanau Raukura Performance
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Exploring our national current events
LI: To identify author’s purpose.
- Timeliness
- Magnitude
- Relevance
- Unexpectedness
- Impact
- Positive Reference
- Negative Referance
- Oddity
- Conflict
- Continuity
- Emotions
- Progress
Provocation: Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport?
LI: To identify and consider the two perspectives of this provocation to help me form an opinion.
Thursday, 12 November 2020
The Charge of the Light Brigade | Poem
Weighty Challenge 1 | The Adding Addicts
LI: To create a DLO to explain how we solved the problem.
Friday, 6 November 2020
Tech Relfection | Rocket Science
LI: To find out how many fins you would need on a rocket to help it fly effeciently.
This week we had Tech at Tamaki College. We were learning about Rocket Science with Ms Sharma and Mr Dunn. We started off by identifying the main features and attributes of how a rocket can fly. With Mr Dunn we learnt that weight and mass are two different things, if we were to go to mars our mass would stay the same but the weight would change. This is due to the amount of force in space and the planets.
The reason we use rockets are to send cargo through space and stop bombs from other countries attacking a certain area. Due to gravity when the rocket flies off into space, it slightly turns horizontally to reduce fuel used. On a rocket their is a 'nose' to help the rocket cut through the pressure of the air when flying.
We made straw rockets. We made our rockets out of plastic straw and paper as fins then used another straw to make the rocket fly. To help our rocket fly we had to make a lot of changes and variations to find our best flying rocket. The variable we changed was the fins. The winners were; Lukah - 6m and 40cm; Heavenly - 5m 90cm; Fau - 5m 80cm.
Friday, 16 October 2020
C.A.R.E Explanation | Writing
LI: to create an explanation using TEEL paragraphs.
This week for writing we were focusing on using TEEL paragraphs in our explanations. As there are structures for different forms of writing the structure of a paragraph is known as TEEL; T for topic sentence, E for elaborate ideas, E for explain, and lastly L for linking topic to main question. We were revising explanations as next week is testing week. In groups we created an explanation explaining why it is important to use CARE values. I collaborated with Juel, Sulia, Heavenly and Afatia for the session. In our groups we voice recorded ourselves saying the explanation showing our explanation on a piece of paper.
Friday, 25 September 2020
Least Common Multiple | Maths
LI: To create a DLO explaining the least common multiple (LCM).
Thursday, 24 September 2020
Law of Inertia | Reading
LI: To create a DLO explaing the Law of Inertia.
Explanation | Making wise choices
LI: to structure and write an explanation.
Why is it important to make wise choices?
Have you ever thought about the consequences when making choices? Have you ever thought about what happens next? Well, with that in mind, your consequences will change drastically for the better. When making a wise choice, it can be; picking up rubbish, helping someone out, anything that makes you feel relieved in a positive way. The outcome from making wise choices is much more different than a bad decision.
Making the wrong decision might not always have a good outcome but, can be a time for you to ask yourself, did you really want to make this choice? Knowing the difference between choosing and making the wrong decision is very important. Many people make the wrong decision by struggling through peer pressure and stress or making wrong decisions to feel relieved or feel good, this is called dopamine.
With this topic in mind, people become addicted to drugs and their mindset towards the world and people around them changes. This is not a positive change. Becoming addicted to drugs can really affect your mental and physical health. If you are being pressured in taking drugs by friends or family, you are not in the right environment. You can seek help from social workers from school or in your community. If being pressured, feel the confidence to say no!
Many people take drugs and become so addicted that their future is not very bright, but it is never too late to stop. When people are very addicted they can get caught up in trouble with bad people. These bad people are drug dealers, drug suppliers and more. If you get caught up in this trouble you can be sent to prison for a long amount of time which can separate you from your family and friends.
In conclusion, feel the confidence to say no! Listen to that small voice in your head, no matter how quiet it is listen to it! Think about your future and learn from your mistakes, always know you are the most important person in your life. Move on, stop taking drugs.
This week we have been creating explanations. Our theme for our explanation was about making wise choices. We had the chance to choose our own topic. My topic was based on making wise choices connected to drugs. Using the information from the DARE Program I learnt that drugs are a substance that is very addictive and can be very dangerous in the wrong uses. With the help of Sakshi, I have checked my explanation to make sure there are no irrelevant sentences and use of words in it.
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Who will get my vote?
LI: To decide which political party will get your vote by making an informed choice
Monday, 21 September 2020
DARE... to make a choice
LI: To create a DLO answering 4 questions.
This week we have been continuing with the DARE program. This week for the DARE program we were talking about the risks and consequences in making wrong choices. We talked about how we could make the right choices. In table groups we were given 6 different scenarios, we were to explain the consequences of the scenarios and how we would punish the person. Lastly, in pairs we created a DLO explaining our answers on 4 different questions. I collaborated with Heavenly to complete this task. These questions were :
Why is it important to make the right choices?
What is one thing that suprised you?
What is the main thing you learnt?
What is one thing to remember in the future?
Friday, 18 September 2020
Tech Reflection | Science | Ms Sharma
LI: To identify the types of materials and uses of plastic.
Thursday, 17 September 2020
History | Maori Language Week
LI: To identify the history of Maori Language Week.
Whakatauki | Maori Language Week
LI: To define a whakatauki in your own words.
Te Reo / English APP | Maori Language Week
LI: To create a bilingual app of Maori and English.
Friday, 11 September 2020
Family Tree | Te reo Maori
LI: to create a DLO showing your family roots.
This week the Te reo Maori challenge was to create a DLO showing yoru family roots. In this DLO I have made a family tree of my family. I have only went up to one generation of my family. As you can see there are words like ; Whaea, Matua, Whaea Keke, Matua Keke. This was a really fun challenge. These words are for showing who they are. Here is the definition of the words:
Whaea - Mother
Matua - Father
Whaea Keke - Aunty
Matua Keke - Uncle
Its cool 2b me! | DARE Program
LI: To complete a DLO about its cool 2b me.
MRS C GREN | Biology
LI: To understand the meaning behind the acronym MRSCGREN
This week for reading we have been focusing on science. We were focusing on biology. I have worked collaboratively with Acein, Akuhata and Sulia. In this DLO, we had defined MRS C GREN. MRS C GREN is one of the majer processes of biology. This DLO contains how it works, and why it is important. We used key trategies like, Skimming and Scanning, Collaborating, Smart searching skills, Collaboration and Using other words. Here is the meaning of MRS C GREN:
M - Movement
R - Respiration
S - Sensitivity
C - Cells
G - Growth
R - Reproduction
E - Excretion
N - Nutrition
Science is Empirical
LI: To look for evidence in the data/an image and infer what might be happening.
Thursday, 10 September 2020
Sunflower Painting
LI: to paint a still life of sunflowers in the style of vincent van gogh.
Friday, 4 September 2020
Tech Reflection | Science | STEAM
LI: To understand and identify the meaning of science with Mrs Sharma.
Thursday, 3 September 2020
Duffy Books In Schools
This week each class in Panmure Bridge School got given Duffy books that were chosen from each student. I have been excitingly waiting to recieve the books I have chosen. The books I have chosen are called 'Chinatown Girl' and 'Amulet: Book Seven'. I would like to thank Duffy and the scholastic company for giving students at my school the chance to open a world of possible. The Duffy books we receive give the students a chance to find an inspiration while reading. I have read 6 series of all the Amulet books and I am very excited to find out what happens next in book 7. I also have 2 books of 'My New Zealand Story' collection and am excited to have a third book from the series.
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
Natural Disaster Q2 | Tsunami
LI: to identify the evacuating instructions during a tsunami.
Vincent van Gogh Timeline
LI: To create a timeline to show the life of Vincent van Gogh.
Monday, 31 August 2020
Natural Disaster Research Q1 | Tsunami
Thursday, 20 August 2020
Fitness Challenge
LI: To create a fitness challenge that can help challenge yourself and also others.
Mary Anning | Geology
LI: To use smart searching skills to find out about a geologist from the past who made an important contribution to geology.
Today Sulia, Sakshi and I worked together to create a presentation on Mary Anning who is a very famous geologist. To complete this task we first talked to each other through a video call so we could easily discuss our ideas. Once we had collected information about his journey, occupation, achievements and facts we added all of it into a google slide. In the end we created a slide showcasing the questions we used to guide our research. We found interesting that Mary Anning was called the "Women of Science" because she had found many discoveries and inventions that was very useful at that time. We really enjoyed working together as we could talk to each other and share our ideas concerning this topic as well as got a chance to work as a team.
Albert Einstein | Physics
LI: To use smart searching skills to find out about a physicist from the past who made an important contribution to physics.
Today Sakshi and I worked together to create a presentation on Charles Darwin who is a very famous physicist. To complete this task we first talked to each other through a video call so we could easily discuss our ideas. Once we had collected information about his journey, occupation, achievements and facts we added all of it into a google slide. In the end we created a slide showcasing the questions we used to guide our research. We found interesting that Albert Einstein never used to comb his hair and didn't prefer to wear socks as he thought this something waste of time. We really enjoyed working together as we could talk to each other and share our ideas concerning this topic as well as got a chance to work as a team.
Marie Curie | Chemistry
LI: To use smart searching skills to find out about a scientist from the past who made an important contribution to their field of science.
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Cybersmart | The importance of a relevant image connecting to the text
This week for cybersmart Liletina and I created a DLO explaining why adding an image that relates to the text is important. We showcased 2 examples 1 correct and 1 wrong. For a more interactive DLO we created a voice record recording why we think adding relevant images matching the text is important. As an example for a topic we used science, the examples were:
Correct - Using an image of a proper science measuring bottle.
Wrong - Using an image of a regular cooking measuring cup.
Thursday, 6 August 2020
Manaiakalani Survey | Helping the Juniors
Life ED | Wise Choice
Science: Summarizing the text | Reading
Identifying the main ideas of 'what is science?' | Reading
- Science is divided into 3 branches, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry.
- Basic science is knowing something and applied science is using what we know.
- Science is the knowledge behind every question.
Thursday, 30 July 2020
Hauora | My connections
Hauora | Challenge #2
Hauora | Poster
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Making connections with problem solving
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Negative Numbers | Maths
5-7-10 | Lightning never strikes twice, does it?
