LI: To make positive relationships.
This week we had a new Kiwi Can instructor to the school. His name is Mr Alapati.
Today was our first Kiwi Can session for 2019. We had Mr Alapati and Miss Paige, they are going to be our Kiwi Can leaders for the rest of the year. Our catchphrase was " talk to me, so you can see, someone with positivity". Our catchphrase relates on our theme/topic.
First we set out some rules so we can use them when we go to Kiwi Can.
1. Be on your best behaviour
2.Don't talk when the teacher is talking
3. Treat people the way you want to be treated
4. Listen to the teachers
5. Have a positive attitude towards eachother.
We use these rules to keep safe and to not get hurt.
Our enigiser was called Eyes Up, Eyes Down. This is how the game works, Miss paige or Mr Alapati would say Eyes down then we out our head down and if they say eyes up then we look at someone until they say eyes down. If you look at someone and they look at you then you both are out. The two winners were Mr Alapati and Alayah.
Our activity was called Midnight tunnel. We had to get into a trio and number ourselves 1-3. If our numbers gets called out then we run around the circles and the other two make a tunnel so the other partner gets to go under and into the middle. The last two people who are going to the middle are out. Them and there team is out.
Then we played Jockies up. We have to get a partner. One partner puts there hands on there other partners shoulders and when they say jockies up then the partner putting there hands on there shoulders has to run around the other partner and run around the circle and back to there partner. The last two is out.