Tuesday, 24 August 2021

List Poem | Distance Learning

LI: To write a list poem that describes a topic by painting a picture with your words.

My culture is the red and white flag that hangs proudly in the Kingdom of Tonga
It is the fresh mango picked off a tree to make an otai
The ta'ovala worn to show respect 
It is the oil that drips down her skin as one performs a  tau'olunga
The lea faka tonga spoken by my ancestors 
It is the hymns sung on sunday mornings,
The 15 minute prayers that seem to be 9 hours along with it. 
My culture is, Tongan

List poems are a simple way to get into poetry writing that can be based on ideas that are familiar to you. Lists can be an inventory of items, people, places, or ideas. List poems don’t require rhyme and often involve repetition. My list poem was based on "My culture is...". In this poem I expressed what it means to be apart of the tongan culture. 

I enjoyed writing this poem because I could truly express what my culture is. 


  1. Hi Fau
    What a powerful poem you have written about your culture. I really enjoyed reading this and loved the reference you make to the oil that drips down her skin as one performs a tau'olunga, this really paints a picture in my mind and is very descriptive. Great work

    1. Hi Mrs Linda!
      Thank you for the great comment you have given about my poem, I'm really glad that you enjoyed reading it.

      Fau :)

  2. This poem is awesome Fau. It painted a very vivid picture in my head. I like how you were able to touch on traditions, respect, performance and church all in one poem. You gave so much insight into your culture in your poem.

    1. Hi Ms Pryde,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog! I'm glad that you enjoyed reading my poem, thank you for the positive feedback you gave me! I appreciate it.

